Initially asking for an explainer, we instead gave Everyday a cornerstone brand video that matched their killer platform.
The Plan
Everyday approached us as a freshly funded start-up with a killer product. The only problem is they didn’t have the content to communicate exactly how they help people. Initially looking for an explainer, we knew something more was needed.
Starting with the story, we wanted to highlight the number one audience Everyday has, which is creative teams just like ourselves. (It’s not every day that you get to make something for people like yourself)
Creative teams depend on multiple apps every single day to enhance productivity and collaboration. However, accumulating apps like Slack, Gmail, Figma, Monday, and Notion can become overwhelming and challenging to manage. That’s where Everyday comes into play to allow teams or individuals to consolidate their apps into a single space, enabling the seamless use of multiple apps simultaneously.
We knew right away, that agitating the pain would be key to the message.

The Approach
We developed a few concepts early on to try to capture the frustration and confusion of having a billion browser tabs open, clicking on one after another in a sort of hell. Check out our early concepts above.
After concepts, our team dove into developing design frames, allowing us to incorporate segments and workflows from creating one of our treasured short films, “Where Are You Now.” Design frames included a combination of 2D collage, live-action footage, and 3D. Utilizing each to tell different parts of the Everyday story.

“This video has helped us just frame it and be like this is the personality of our brand (Everyday). This is what we’re building and who we’re building for. This is the value that we bring, and it does it in a minute.
You guys did a phenomenal job, and I don’t think it could have ended up better.”