Provide is a funding platform for doctors looking to finance, build, or buy a practice of their own. Provide works in many areas of the funding journey for doctors, giving them the financial resources they need to succeed.
Starting with our Discovery process in November of 2021, we learned that Provide was looking for an interesting way to make people aware of their services. The word “Explainer” popped up quite a bit in those early meetings, but we saw more opportunity than a simple Explainer video.
We learned a few very important things in those meetings:
1. Provide wasn’t afraid of trying something a bit different than a traditional Explainer. They also wanted to tell a great story people could really be proud to share.
2. They needed some help when it came to social media content creation. Their team was already bursting at the seams with design requests.
3. They were planning to grow their staff pretty substantially over the next couple of years.
The Work
With those three important opportunities for content in mind, we put together a few options on how we could use video content to help them solve some pretty big problems. We had two rounds of production:
Round One (starting in November 2021): First Brand Film (dentist-focused), Explainer, Recruitment Video, and Social Media Content
Round Two (starting in August 2022): Second Brand Film (vet-focused), Product Videos, Partner Stories, and Updated Social Media Content
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Torani – Glitter Cat
We want to inspire people and do our little part in making the world a better place. No more than 5 minutes into our planning conversations and it became abundantly clear that this was a story we NEEDED tell.
Where Are You Now
Sometimes we make things for ourselves. “Where Are You Now” is a short film created by us based on the personal story of Creative Director, Matt Vojacek.